Google Cloud Printer Clients For Your Desktop

Most of all offices now have a **Cloud Ready Printer** which is shared with your **Gmail / Google Apps** account. Now your job is to configure your Desktop so that you can see the Shared Printer in your Printer List.


### Windows XP / Vista / 7 etc

– [Download]( “Paperless Printer”) the client from [here]( “Paperless Printer”).
– Install it on your windows system
–  Go to START (or windows icon) >> Application >> Paperless Printer >> Settings
On “Set Out put FileName..” Click “Save Settings”,
Select “Find a Cloud Printer” in “Goolge Cloud Printer” Section.

![]( “Windows Cloud Printer Client1”)

– Click on OK and give your gmail/ google apps credentials in the Login Window

– Select the Printer from your List, Eg “HP_LaserJet_CM1415fnw” , and Select “Set as default” and lick OK.

![]( “Windows Cloud Printer Client 2”)

Print a test Page :- Open a Word  document and click Print, Select “Paperless Printer” from the list and Print it.



### Ubuntu

Just run these commands from a terminal

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:simon-cadman/cups-cloud-print

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install cupscloudprint“`

After installation run the following to configure your account.
`sudo /usr/lib/cloudprint-cups/`

This will ask for your google account username and password. And you will get an output like this

Please enter your Google Credentials, or CTRL+C to exit:

Username: [email protected]


Successfully connected

Add all Google Cloud Print printers to local CUPS install? y

Use a prefix for names of created printers ( e.g. GCP- )?

Not using prefix

Added HP_LaserJet_CM1415fnw

Added Save_to_Google_Docs

Added 2 new printers to CUPS“`

That’s it. Now your cloud printer (in My case its HP_LaserJet_CM1415fnw) is in the Printer List.

Print a test Page :- Open a Word  document and click Print, Select “HP_LaserJet_CM1415fnw” from the list.



### Redhat/RPM based Systems

Create a file in `/etc/yum.repos.d/cupscloudprint.repo` with the following,

[cupscloudprint] name=cupscloudprint baseurl= gpgcheck=0

Then run in a terminal:

sudo yum update

sudo yum install cupscloudprint“`

To connect with your gmail account run
`sudo /usr/lib/cloudprint-cups/`

Print a test Page :- Open a Word  document and click Print, Select “HP_LaserJet_CM1415fnw” from the list.


:wq! ![:P]( — Any issues Please Comment. ![:)](



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