Tomdroid Notes for Android

If you are an Ubuntu + Android user, This post is for you !!!

Most of all Ubuntu users uses “**Tomboy Notes**” – A simple and easy to use desktop note-taking application.

Ever thought, How to sync those notes to your Android Device ???

Please follow these steps to get it done.

– ***On Ubuntu System***

– Create an account at []( .
– Go to Tomby Notes >> Preference >>Synchronization. Choose Service **Tomboy Web**, Server []( Then follow the authentication steps.

– ***On Android Device***

Install the application **[Tomdroid Notes]( “Tomdroid Notes”)**

[![]( “tomdroid”)](
Go to Settings >> Server – Click Authenticate Follow the authentication Steps.

Thats it, Now you can Read your notes from your Android Device.

[![]( “tomdroid-2”)]( [![]( “tomdroid-1”)](

NOTE: *It is a **READ-ONLY** client for now.. It doesn’t allow you to edit your Notes.*

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