Fix – Ubuntu 13.04 background is white and no wallpaper

Today, I have upgraded my Ubuntu to the latest release 13.04. After upgrading when i logged in  my wallpaper Just flashed and the desktop turned to White in Color.

Here is how i fixed and get my wall paper back.


1. Install gnome-tweak-tool by running the following from a terminal,

sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool

[sociallocker]  2. Open the installed tool by running the following from the same terminal.


3. In the Desktop section UNCHECK “Have file manager handle the desktop.”  and close the gnome tweak tool.


4. Finaly, run the following from the same terminal.

nautilus -q

Yes, you are done. The issue is fixed.

Comment and share if helpful. [/sociallocker]

### ****  Update ****

If the above didnt work for you, Please install the new gnome-shell and choose “gnome” by clicking the ubuntu Logo beside your Name after entering your password.

Install the gnome-shell via ppa

sudo add-apt-repository  ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gnome-shell

Now logout and choose “gnome” theme

1. Logout
2. Enter your password. (DONT press ENTER)
3. click the ubuntu logo beside your name and choose “gnome” and hit Enter.

Now you will be using the gnome3 desktop with the wallpaper and not Unity.

Lets hope that Ubuntu will fix this wallpaper bug soon !!!


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